We have adopted the principle of continuously improving our business processes with the participation of all our personnel and meeting customer expectations at the highest quality level.
While continuing our activities, we will always reduce our environmental impact and even make it positive. We will continuously raise awareness of our personnel by fully complying with the current legal regulations on occupational health and safety.
We will always be aware that product and work quality can only be ensured through systematic work awareness.
We will strive to achieve higher business performance at all times through effective communication with all our stakeholders, from our suppliers to our customers.
The organization will define the purpose of the organization
We are committed to meeting legal requirements and will do so.
We remain committed to systematic monitoring and improvement of quality objectives.
We are committed that quality objectives will be communicated to all functions of the organization
We are committed to monitoring and reviewing quality targets every month.
The shortest way to achieve our goals is to communicate all our commitments and policies to the staff, to follow a determined policy, to investigate the cause and effect relationships of the events, to ensure that the teams understand and work to implement them and we believe that we can succeed.